The Holy Name Pledge
Blessed be God. Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ true God and true Man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
I believe O Jesus. That Thou are the Christ.
The Son of the Living God.
I proclaim my love.
For the Vicar of Christ on Earth.
I believe all the sacred truths
Which the Holy Catholic Church
Believes and teaches.
I promise to give good example
By the regular practice of my faith.
In honor of His Divine Name
I pledge myself against perjury,
Blasphemy, profanity and obscene speech.
I pledge my loyalty to the flag of my country.
And to the God given principles
Of freedom, justice and happiness.
For which it stands.
I pledge my support to all lawful authority
Both civil and religious.
I dedicate myself
To the honor of the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ
And beg that He will keep me faithful
To these pledges Until Death.
A fun day at the races.
Individuals, couples or groups - Mark your calendars and sign-up for our annual Keeneland Bus Trip on Friday, October 20. We depart Villa Hills Civic Club [back lot] at 10:00 am and return around 7:00 pm. For $65, you will have refreshments, lunch, round trip bus transportation, prize drawings and a great time !!!
Don Barnes
Chris Schneider